Competitors Meet At Norvecom

The number of participants at Norvecom '99, the international exhibition of communications equipment, was 15% lower than last year.

<BR>The number of participants at Norvecom '99, the international exhibition of communications equipment, was 15% lower than last year.<BR>Alcatel Telecom, a major world manufacturer of telecommunications equipment with production facilities in St Petersburg, was present at Norvecom as official Russian manufacturer. <BR>Alcatel was awarded the status literally days before the exhibition opened. Like last year, FORA Communications was nowhere to be seen. "We are of the opinion that participation in Norvecom is not a constructive marketing move for the company," said Irina Relina, FORA Communications' PR manager. <BR>"Our company's total expenses on participation in the exhibition amounted to around $30,000," says Pavel Tereshyenko, marketing manager at ZAO Metrocom. "I do not doubt that during Norvecom we will earn that back. For example, last year we managed to conclude an agreement for $240,000."