00:0016 октября 199800:00
00:0016 октября 1998
ZAO Znamenskaye has begun reconstruction of a number of buildings on the corner of Nevsky Prospect and Vosstaniya Ulitsa. At the end of 2000 a western-style retail complex is to open at the location.
<BR>ZAO Znamenskaye has begun reconstruction of a number of buildings on the corner of Nevsky Prospect and Vosstaniya Ulitsa. At the end of 2000 a western-style retail complex is to open at the location.<BR>Investment in the project is to amount to DM 140m. Four buildings are involved in the project, with a total area of 24,000m2. The trading complex will include a department store (10,000m2), office centres (8,0002), a supermarket and a large number of small shops, as well as restaurants, cafes, a fitness centre, a cinema, an underground garage, etc.<BR>Atlantic-Oncor's project manager, Nils Kalle, says that a pedestrian zone is to be built through the area: "Research has shown that 20,000 people pass by this corner every hour. A pedestrian zone will mean that they pass right through the retail centre."<BR>Construction is to begin in spring of next year. "Originally, we planned to start construction this year, but with the crisis a tendency for accommodation prices to fall has been observed. In order to start construction, we need to empty the buildings; we'll wait until prices on the property market have gone down."