Petrovsky Makes It To The Border

Petrovsky Bank's plastic cards are now accepted in all of the automatic cash machines in the Europay International network.

<BR>Petrovsky Bank's plastic cards are now accepted in all of the automatic cash machines in the Europay International network.<BR>From now on, owners of the bank's cards will be able to withdraw cash and convert their money in any cash machines anywhere in the world, that are part of the Europay International system. More than this, the integration into the international system has given card-holders the opportunity to make purchases in more than two million trade and servicing outlets. Until now, the cards could only be used in Petrovsky's cash machines. <BR>The final integration of the Petrocard system into the international Europay Int. system is planned for September, when holders of Cirrus/Maestro/EDC/EC Pictogram cards will be served by the Petrovsky network, whoever the card issuers may be. At present, the bank boasts more than 130,000 card customers. According to the bank's specialists, that is 10% of the Russian Europay market.