Gas stations pump less gas than needed

At St. Petersburg gas stations customers repeatedly don't pump the amount of gas that they pay for and for now nothing can be done. These are the conclusions of check-ups on gas stations in Petersburg that were conducted by the Government Licensing Center

<BR>At St. Petersburg gas stations customers repeatedly don't pump the amount of gas that they pay for and for now nothing can be done. These are the conclusions of check-ups on gas stations in Petersburg that were conducted by the Government Licensing Center (CGL) of the Committee of energy and engineering of the administration of Petersburg. Since the beginning of 1997 the CGL has checked 64 unsuspecting gas stations and another 450 gas stations that were informed of the CGl intent. The results were 88 suspended gas sales licenses. In 70% of the cases the reason that the licenses were suspended was because less gasoline was supplied than was paid for. The center checked each gas station (during the 450 announced check-ups) a minimum of 3 times a year. At first the level of gas that was paid for but not pumped reached 1 liter per 10 liters of fuel (the norm is 50 milliliters). Several months after the beginning of the unannounced check-ups and this level decreased to 80-100 milliliters. An organization of retail gasoline trade should have six licenses. In the case of one license being under review, the gas station stops operating. After the violation is corrected then the license is once again opened up for operating. Before a gas station is opened it must pass through government inspections: Test-St. Petersburg. "It has happened that 2 hours have passed since operations were halted and gas station workers called and said that the equipment already passed the inspection of the test. We checked that station the next day and detected inadequate levels of pumped gas", said Romasheva. Now, after the government inspector the gas station has to bear a visit from committee workers. According to Boris Belyaev, the executive director of the company Kerri, the main reason that there is an inadequate level of pumped gas is the bad equipment at gas stations. The majority of gas stations in the city belong to the Factory of auto servicing. <BR>Fuel companies only rent stations and it doesn't make sense for them to invest money in repairing someone else's equipment. According to CGL workers, recently many companies have begun to repair the rented stations. It is probable that it is cheaper for companies to spend money of repairing someone else's equipment than it is for them to lose proceeds.