Gates came, saw, enchanted

Bill Gates, the head of the Microsoft corporation literally flew into a press-conference which took place in the Balchug Kempinski hotel in Moscow. Journalists swarmed the hotel in order to glance at the world's richest businessman. Having arrived in Mo

<BR>Bill Gates, the head of the Microsoft corporation literally flew into a press-conference which took place in the Balchug Kempinski hotel in Moscow. Journalists swarmed the hotel in order to glance at the world's richest businessman. Having arrived in Moscow the computer guru carried out a successful attack on the Russian banks Centrobank and Sberbank Russia. The banks gave up: Sberbank agreed $1.65 million for Microsoft to install software. <BR>An attack on LUKoil was not as successful; the oil kings for now only agreed to sign a protocol of intent. They promised to sign a contract by the end of November. Gates also dashed over to the east which mostly acts as proof of the growth in large capital interest in Russia. It is well known that Gates whose personal worth is $40 billion was interested in a series of investment projects in Russia.