Russia counting on a second coal loan

The first vice premier of the Russian Federation Anatoly Chubais is hoping for a positive response to Russia's request to be granted a second coal loan for 1997. According to Chubais, this has become one of the main issues in his discussions with the he

<BR>The first vice premier of the Russian Federation Anatoly Chubais is hoping for a positive response to Russia's request to be granted a second coal loan for 1997. According to Chubais, this has become one of the main issues in his discussions with the head of the World Bank James Wolfenson which will be included in the economic forum in Hong-Kong. The first vice premier noted that in recent times there have been important moves made towards deciding this question. Chubais announced that in the next 2 weeks a contingency from the World Bank will come to Moscow to discuss the coal loan. <BR>"We are counting on reaching a common understanding", said Chubais. Chubais also said that Russia wanted to increase the size of the World Bank's second coal loan from $650 million to $750 million. "We feel that it is of the upmost importance to solve this problem by the end of the year although we know that there are still questions concerning the first coal loan", said Chubais who also announced that the World Bank contingency that will arrive next week intends to consider the Russian proposal, solve the two remaining issues surrounding the first coal loan and fix conditions for the second loan. The first coal loan ($500 million) was given to Russia in 1996.